Il nostro istituto ha aderito anche quest’anno al progetto IMUN MIDDLE SCHOOL EDITION, organizzato da United Network con la diretta collaborazione del Comune di Napoli, dell’Ufficio Scolastico Regionale per la Campania e del Consolato Generale degli Stati Uniti d’America di Napoli.

I nostri alunni dopo la fase di preparazione a scuola, nei giorni 13, 14, 15 maggio hanno partecipato ai lavori delle commissioni nella bellissima cornice del Maschio Angioino. I ragazzi sono stati divisi in tre gruppi: UNEP, WHO, WFT. Il primo gruppo si è occupato del problema delle microplastiche, il secondo dei vaccini e il terzo dello spreco alimentare. I ragazzi hanno tutti da subito partecipato attivamente proponendosi con le loro MOTION e sono riusciti a presentare un UNMOD per formare le alleanze. Il secondo giorno il lavoro si è concentrato sulle RESOLUTIONS e due RESOLUTIONS della nostra scuola sono passate. Il terzo giorno le RESOLUTION passate sono state messe ai voti e una della nostra scuola è passata.

I ragazzi erano felicissimi e soddisfatti perché tutti si sono impegnati per scrivere le MOTION e le RESOLUTIONS.

  • Quest’anno i premi sono stati 3:
    HONORABLE MENTION: i primi 5-10 delegati che si sono distinti di più in quanto sono entrati nel personaggio e hanno svolto perfettamente il lavoro.
  • BEST SPEECH: discorso più convincente
  • BEST DELEGATE OF THE YEAR: lo studente che ha meglio rappresentato il ruolo del delegato e che ha svolto il suo lavoro alla perfezione.

Le alunne Guarino Giulia 2 G e Torres Diana 2 H hanno vinto il premio HONORABLE MENTION..

Riportiamo di seguito il testo della resolution che è stata premiata:

Introductio and resolution IMUN della Russia Honorable Chair, fellow delegates,I am the delegate of Russian Federation Unlike Europe,in Russia there is no culture of waste disposal.According to the Ministry Environment of the Russian Federation,the country produces about 70 milion tons of waste per year,but only 4% is recycled,most of the waste ends up in landfills. In January 2019 President Vladimir Putin signed a decree for set up a waste recycling company by 2020 across Russia. The State duma’s national resources commitee asked the government to consider banning plastic bags in Russia by 2025.More then 26 billion plastic bags are handed out every year in Russia. In the European Union single use plastic will be banned by 2021.In Russia’s Leningrad region,single use plastic were banned last year.Russia is part of UN Environment’s Clean Seas campaign. Microplastic is the macroproblem of the World ocean including Russian Far East.There are two major processes resulting in microplastics generation:direct input into marine environment of frangments used in consumer goods together with sewage waters and bigger garbage weathering in marine and littoral environment.When in marine environment,microplastic particles of various sizes can be swallowed by surface swimmers,birds,sea mammals,resultion in their accumulation in gastro-intestinal tract and eventual death. Unfortunately marine litter issue is treated rather poorly in Russia.In 2013-2014,in Saint-Petersburg there was a study of microplastics’ contents in sewage waters.The study was focused on finding new technologies that would improve efficiency of removing microplastics from waters discharged in the Baltic. At the moment,the only solution to reduce microplastics is waste recycling ang reducing plastic consumption Honorable Chair,fellow delegates,Thank you for your attention Resolution Honorable Chair,fellow delegates,I am the delegate of Russian Federation A real emergency that the program for the environment of the UN attempts to stem is microplastic.The vast universe of microplastics includes synthetic fibers from garments,pices of plastic bags or bottle and microbead used in toothpaste and cosmetics.The microplastics ingested by fish,molluscs and crustaceas reach every link in the food chain until they reach our plates.During the summit,heald in Nairobi,UNEP approved a resolution to end the marine pollution caused by plastic.The resolution encourages states to take action to prevent the production and dispersion of marine litter and microplastic waste,multiplying efforts in recycling marine and microplastics.Having considered that plastic waste and microplastics are big problems for Russia too,the State duma’s national resources comitee asked the government to consider banning plastic bags in Russia by 2025.More than 26 billion plastic bags are handed out every year in Russia.In the European Union single use plastic were banned last year.The problem of microplastics in the oceans may be almost impossible to solve,but some possible resolutions can be: 1Waste recycling abolition of disposable plastic 2Reducing the production of synthetic fabrics and make it mandatory to mount a micro-beads filter on washing machines 3Replacing the micro-beads used in cosmetics and toothpastes with natural substances Honorable Chair,fellow delegates,Thank you for your attention Torres Diana Rosa 2H